
software development, devops, and other drivel
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Ansible - Please add this host's fingerprint to your known_hosts file to manage this host

If you’ve ever tried to run an ansible playbook and recieved Please add this host's fingerprint to your known_hosts file to manage this host you’re not alone. Here’s a couple of ways to fix it. Turn off host key checking This would not be the preferred method but turning off host key checking will enable ansible to continue on with the playbook. Either modify the /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg or create an ansible.cfg file in the project directory and add the following lines to it: Read more...

Install and Configure Embedded Python on Windows

I wanted to document these steps after downloading embedded Python recently. I extracted it, set the environment path and started the interpreter. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until I tried to exit exit() and it reported back ’exit not found’ or something like that. What!? How can this be? I ended up import sys and using sys.exit() but this sent me on an adventure to determine how to use embedded Python as a regular install. Read more...

Best Way to Check if a Number Contains Another Number

Need to find out if a number contains another number? And you want better performance than converting to a string and then looping through that to find the key number? Well you’ve come to the right place! Using a combination of the modulo operator and division it’s possible to pull the number apart one digit at a time until it reaches 0. Implementation Using a Loop Python Go JavaScript C++ Java def checkNumberIfContainsKey(number, key): while number > 0: if number % 10 == key: return True number = number // 10 return False package main import "fmt" func checkNumberIfContainsKey(number, key int) bool { for number > 0 { if number%10 == key { return true } number = number / 10 } return false } func main() { fmt. Read more...

Two Sum

Given an array of unsorted numbers nums and an integer target, find two integers in the array that sum to the target and return their indices. There are three ways that I know of to solve this problem. Below you’ll find a description of each with some brief code examples. I would like to encourage you to try to implement your own solution first before scrolling down. Solution 1: Brute Force The first way, which is the brute force method, is to use nested loops. Read more...